
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

keys to a successful galentine's day.

1. celebrate the day before galentines. 
2. go to paint your own pottery. 
3. sit next to people on a first date. 
4. decide you want wine. send the redhead to the liquor store. 
5. realize you don't have a corkscrew. 
6. send bronde to the liquor store. she will return with a twist off bottle of rosé. 
7. paint pottery while sipping on pink wine and eaves dropping on the first date. 
8. stay at the pottery place until closing time. 
9. go to a barbecue place on a friday in lent. 
10. realize the couple on the first date had the same idea. 
11. chat and catch up with some wonderful ladies. 
12. make sure you say things like "ladies celebratin' ladies" "uteruses before duderuses" and "ovaries before brovaries"
13. have an amazing time. 

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