
Friday, May 2, 2014

what sound does a cardinal make?

in about thirty minutes, i will be heading off to my last class ever as an undergraduate at the catholic university of america. its hard to believe that this long tumultuous journey is almost over. i have honestly loved every single minute of it, even the minutes i hated (haha)

what makes being a student at cua so incredible is the community, the family of catholic university students, faculty and staff that make sure this place is a home for four years. i have met some of he greatest people in the world while a student at cua, from my favorite professors, to my community, my staff, my friends and my supervisors. each and everyone of them is what has made cua so much more tun a college but a total formative experience, shaping me into the person i am supposed to be. so, as i roll on out to my last class and my last luau, heres to the last four years, the home that campus has become, and the people who have made it like a family for me!

you know, just off to the hawk n dove #rip




first bats game

nicolettes birthday freshman year

freshman retreatt

those classic metro pics

whats freshman year without trailers?

christmas cookies of '010

engy chillen'

those crew days

fourth on 4th

cookies in bed

family meals

summer in dc

friends and bowls


 happy luaupalooza everybody!

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