what does family mean to me? it means a lot of things. it means my dad. my mom. my brothers. my nanas. my grumpy. my aunts. my uncles. my friends. my community. my staff. my classmates. the church. i have considered myself a part of so many families over the past 21 years, and not just the ballous or the mccarthys, but so many others.
what family means to me is unconditional love. the people who will love you no matter what stupid things you do or how many times you mess up. sometimes there is shared dna, but sometimes there is not.
i have decided as a way to guide my blog-project through the semester, to share the different familial bonds i have experienced over the past twenty one years here on the interweb. so buckle in blogspot, because my families are crazy.
Shannon you are so adorable, I just finally (super behind the times) realized you have a blog and am totally tearing up sitting here at work reading this. Love you, and love those pics!