5 months, no see!
since i started this little nugget of the internet way back when this summer i left you two ultra compelling posts that left you rolling in your computer chairs waiting for more and then failed to deliver. and for that i am trulllly sorry. i promised epic documentation from brunching with my betches. style files out the wazooo. and rambles upon rambles of nonsense. but instead i abandoned you and i realize how non-traumatizing that was to my one reader.
however, the rylee has been on me to persevere and blog on. so i figured i should give you an update of what i haven't been blogging about.
23 third graders i had the pleasure of teaching in my student teaching this semester. we did cool things like make this life-size rain forest diagram.
48 residents i have the joy of being an ra to in the one and only opus hall at the catholic university of america. i made sick bulletin boards like this. yeah. christmas lights. beat that.
179 pages of my action research paper about those lovely third graders.
12 dozen cookies that i have baked since then. should have been about 18 but i ate a lot of dough. i also had some pretty sweet wednesday family dinners with rylee and ines. on of them is pictured below.
3 ultra awkward outfit of the day photo shoots with rylee. just see how awesome i am at posing. so great.

2 fabulous bottomless mimosa brunches with my dear friends. unfortunately, this was way too few for my liking. i resolve to do better next year.

1 ultra exciting news of RYLEE AND TIM GETTING ENGAGED. 697 pins on that inboard and counting.
4 new pairs of boots because i have a problem.
and this pear pie i just made. my dad said you could "taste the lemon too much" but he's on his third piece. so yeah.
absolutely love the article in front of my name