as i have mentioned before on this here bliggity blog, my nana is one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. so i was super fortunate to be able to go home for triduum and easter sunday to spend time with my family.
because most people have jobs, i ended up going to holy thursday and good friday liturgies with my nana at mount saint mary's cistersian abbey in wrentham and to the easter vigil with her at her parish.
so holy thursday. it was so entirely beautiful to see the sisters, who range widely in age, so devoted to putting on a perfect holy thursday mass for all the people who come. i will be honest, it was mostly older people (it was at 4 pm for those who don't enjoy driving at night), but the nuns were amazing, one of them even tried to correct the presiding priest at one pint and i had to giggle to myself. what shocked me the most was that these sisters make there own liturgical wine. pretty cool. i was also so touched to see the nuns wash each of their sisters feet, as well as some of the mass participants.
good friday at the abbey was also phenom-dot-com. it was a full communion service at 3:00 pm and once again it was so wonderful to be a there. it was so overwhelming, not only commemorating the Lord's Passion, but also, realizing that there were people across the world doing the same thing at the same exact time. how wonderful is it to be a part of that. mind and heart totally overwhelmed for sure.
though my family usually opts for a 9:00 am easter sunday mass complete with the children's choir, my nana was going to the vigil with her sister and my aunt so i figured i would join them. though it was totally new england style (3 readings were skipped. so were 3 verses of the litany #prayforus) it was once again super overwhelming to see adults willingly take receive the sacraments that i received when i barely understood them. how powerful to make that choice as an adult and say yes to living a life with Christ! as my nana said, "now those are the hardcore catholics." so finally by 10:00 pm we were ringing in the alleluias and celebrating the risen lord as a church and as a family.
the next day was pretty awesome cause we had our annual mccarthy family easter party (no parades in this one, don't worry) and egg hunt. it was super wonderful to spend time with everybody to celebrate easter. till next time, internet.